September 27

What Not To Eat In Bangkok


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What⁢ Not​ To Eat In Bangkok

What‌ Not To Eat In ⁢Bangkok: A Culinary⁣ Revelation of⁤ Regrets

This article is your ⁤guide⁢ to⁣ what not to indulge in while exploring​ the culinary landscape ‌of Bangkok. Thailand’s capital city​ is a gastronomic‍ paradise, but not ‍every dish joins the feast to excite your taste buds. Some can stir your stomach rather ⁣uncomfortably.

In an overview, notwithstanding the mouthwatering Thai cuisine, there are indeed some food items ⁣visitors⁢ should approach with caution.⁣ Maybe they are ⁣not custom-fit ⁣for foreign palates or​ might be consumed​ poorly – leading to some ⁣uncomfortable moments in the ‘City of Angels.’ This guide delves into the whirlpool of culinary flavors, with particular focus on the aspects to‍ avoid ​when dining out in Bangkok.

Avoid Uncooked Street Food

The luring scents wafting through the ⁣busy sois may make you dive straight into Bangkok’s street food scene. However, slow‍ down and navigate your gastronomic adventure ⁢wisely. ⁣A caveat you must ‍be aware of; the⁤ danger lurks‌ in the ‘uncooked’ side of street eats. Notorious for causing ‘traveler’s⁤ tummy,’ ​dishes such as​ ‘som tam’ (raw papaya salad) ⁤and ‘larb’ (minced meat salad) that include⁢ raw and potentially ⁤unclean elements should be consumed with caution.‌

The Anti-raw Attitude

Plunging your palate into‌ raw street food is like playing culinary⁤ roulette⁤ – ​the‌ risk is⁤ high and ‌the spoils, often underwhelming. Though ‍drool-worthy, the risks ‍associated​ with uncooked delights soaring in hygiene issues simply outweigh the tastes⁢ they​ tempt ‍your taste buds with.

Steer Clear from‌ Unclean​ Water

No dish in Bangkok, scrumptious as it might⁤ be, is worth falling ill for. A common mistake⁣ travelers make is ⁤disregarding⁢ the quality of water used in preparations. It might seem like an innocent‌ mistake, but ⁤dining at eateries that use tap water in their cooking can lead to ⁣unpleasant reminiscences of your vacation.

The ⁢Fear of The Faucet

Residents might be‍ acclimatized to tap water, but it can‍ harbor bacteria‌ that foreign stomachs are often ⁣not⁢ prepared for. It’s best to⁣ stick to ⁣bottled water and avoid places that use tap water ⁣in​ dishes, even if ‌boiled.

Avoid Low-Quality⁢ Seafood

Bangkok’s culinary scene is ‌incomplete ⁢without its myriad seafood options.⁣ However, ‌as seductive as an affordable plate of shrimps may be, cheap seafood often comes with a price. Be cautious of stalls ⁢selling seafood ‍at exceedingly low prices or spots where you‍ can’t see what you’re actually getting.

The Shellfish Scare

Cheap, unregulated seafood lurking around Bangkok’s corners is like a ​beautiful mirage ⁢– enticing at first, but a⁣ source of regret ‍soon after. You won’t want ⁣to remember the ‘City of Angels’ by the grimace on ⁤your face after a plaintive plate ‍of shellfish.


Navigating through the culinary scene⁤ of Bangkok can be‍ an unforgettable dining experience if done right. ⁢With a touch of caution and awareness, you can steer clear from the dubious delights and embrace the ​true⁤ treasures ⁢of Thai cuisine. Remember, the guiding​ mantra‌ is to put quality over⁣ convenience and price. Don’t let the fear of ⁤what could go wrong deter your​ culinary adventurism, but do⁣ approach with a cautious palate.

Frequently Asked‌ Questions

1. Is it safe to eat ⁤street food in Bangkok?

While street food in Bangkok is popular amongst​ tourists, it’s best to be ‌cautious. Opt⁢ for cooked food from clean, busy stalls where food turnover ​is high.

2.⁤ Can tap water in Bangkok make me sick?

Yes, it can. Visitors ⁣are usually advised⁣ to ⁢stick to bottled water and avoid places⁢ that use tap water in their ​dishes to⁤ prevent ​foodborne illnesses.

3. What seafood should I‌ avoid in Bangkok?

If a seafood⁢ dish seems suspiciously cheap, it’s probably best to avoid it. Go‍ for reputable restaurants and markets where hygiene standards are likely higher.

4. Can I eat raw salad on ⁢the streets of Bangkok?

It’s⁢ advisable to avoid raw ⁢salads⁢ from ⁣street vendors, as they could contain unclean ingredients ‍that ​might upset your stomach.

5. Do‌ I ‌need to be wary of any fruit or juices?

Fruits are generally⁣ safe, but opt ⁣for ones⁣ you can peel yourself. Be cautious with juices as they may contain tap water or ⁤unclean ice.

The wisdom to discern ​the good from the‍ not-so-good edibles in Bangkok will ensure ⁤you⁣ return from ‍your trip​ with⁤ only pleasant, flavorful memories. ⁢Be an informed foodie, and⁤ savour each bite with​ reassurance in the City ‌of the Gastronomic​ Delights.


  • Michael Gonzales

    Welcome to Bangkok Vacay! I'm Michael Gonzales, an airline pilot, avid traveler, and the visionary behind this blog. My career has allowed me to traverse the globe, yet it's Bangkok that has truly captivated my spirit like no other place. Through Bangkok Vacay, I'm excited to share my enthusiasm and deep insights to help you unearth the best of Bangkok. This blog is the fruit of my journeys and discoveries, filled with comprehensive guides, tips, and insights for a genuine Bangkok adventure. My mission is to guide you through Bangkok beyond the well-trodden paths, uncovering hidden gems and local favorites through my own explorations and thorough research. When I'm not in the cockpit, I dedicate my time to sharing my travel experiences and love for Bangkok on this platform, hoping to make your visit as enriching as mine. From the bustling street markets and majestic temples to the vibrant nightlife and rich cultural heritage, let Bangkok Vacay lead you to the essence of this incredible city. Thank you for setting off on this adventure with me. Let's make your Bangkok vacation one for the history books! Warm regards, Michael Gonzales

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